Best Coaching Classes in Pune

Classes 11th - 12th

Classes 11th - 12th

Business Studies
Classes 11th - 12th

Entrepreneurship Development
Classes 11th - 12th

Legal Studies
Classes 11th - 12th

Applied Mathematics
Classes 11th - 12th

Classes 6th - 10th

Classes 6th - 10th


14 lessons

10 users

Master the principles of financial management and accounting with our comprehensive Accounts course, designed to equip you with essential skills for a successful career in finance.


30 lessons

20 users

Explore the intricacies of markets and economies with our Economics course, providing you with a deep understanding of economic theories and their real-world applications.

Business Studies

10 lessons

5 users

Develop strategic thinking and leadership skills in our Business Studies course, tailored to prepare you for the dynamic world of business and entrepreneurship.

"Welcome to Finest Concept Academy. Where we empower students to achieve their full potential."

Flexible Classes

Our classes are designed to be interactive and engaging, ensuring that students gain practical knowledge and skills.

Learn From Anywhere

Our experienced faculty employ a variety of teaching methods to cater to different learning styles and foster academic excellence.

Learn From Anywhere

Our experienced faculty employ a variety of teaching methods to cater to different learning styles and foster academic excellence.

"Welcome to Finest Concept Academy. Where we empower students to achieve their full potential. "

Flexible Classes

Our classes are designed to be interactive and engaging, ensuring that students gain practical knowledge and skills

Creating A Community Of Life Long Learners

Learners & counting
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Courses & Video
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Certified Students
0 +
Registered Enrolls
0 +

Whose Inspirations You

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Prof.Pihu Daultani

Prof. Pihu is renowned for her expertise in theoretical subjects. Her deep understanding of abstract principles and her ability to elucidate ideas have made her a favorite among students. She is known for her clear, engaging lectures and her dedication to student success.

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CA Deepak Daultani

He has extensive knowledge in accounting, finance, auditing, and taxation, which is complemented by hands-on experience gained from working in the industry. As a professor, he is well-versed in theoretical concepts and adept at applying these principles to real-world scenarios.


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